Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

Toxic and contaminated drinking water was served to over a million people at U.S. Marine Corps base Camp Lejeune from the 1950s through the mid-1980s. Since the toxic water was discovered in the 1980s, many of those who were exposed to it have since developed bladder cancer and other life-threatening conditions. Thankfully, those who got sick can file a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer claim to get financial aid — but you only have a small window of time left!

Camp Lejeune Water Contamination & Bladder Cancer

People living and working at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 were unknowingly served drinking water that contained toxic chemicals.

Later, public health studies linked these chemicals to different types of cancer, including bladder cancer. Signs of bladder cancer include lower back pain, difficulty urinating, extreme fatigue, and blood in the urine.

Bladder cancer can be very aggressive and deadly without treatment. Thankfully, you and your family can pursue justice and compensation for Camp Lejeune-related bladder cancer — even if the initial diagnosis was decades ago.

Thanks to the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022, people who were harmed by toxic chemicals in the base’s drinking water are able to file claims and seek retribution. This includes those who developed bladder cancer. File a Camp Lejeune claim right now.

Exposure to Cancer-Causing Substances at Camp Lejeune

U.S. veterans, civilians, and their families all may have been exposed to toxic substances at Camp Lejeune that can cause bladder cancer and other illnesses between 1953 and 1987.

The toxic chemicals found in Camp Lejeune water included:

  • Benzene
  • Vinyl chloride
  • PCE (perchloroethylene or tetrachloroethylene)
  • TCE (trichloroethylene)

These chemicals are considered volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and were found in harsh chemical cleaners and dry cleaning solvents. It’s believed a nearby dry cleaning business at Camp Lejeune illegally disposed of these chemicals, which then leeched into the base’s water supply.

Other Conditions Linked to Camp Lejeune Water

Besides bladder cancer, there are many other health issues and cancers that have been linked to the contaminated water supply at Camp Lejeune.

Other health issues caused by Camp Lejeune water include:

  • Adult leukemia
  • Aplastic anemia
  • Birth defects
  • Breast cancer
  • Infertility
  • Kidney cancer
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Myelodysplastic syndromes
  • Neurobehavioral disorders
  • Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
  • Parkinson’s disease

Legal Options for Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Victims

Those who developed bladder cancer from the Camp Lejeune toxic water have a couple of legal options.

The first option is to file a claim with the U.S. government which could result in a settlement. For claims that are unsuccessful, people may file lawsuits and bring their Camp Lejeune case to federal court.

Did You Know?

Veterans may also be able to file separate claims for military benefits, including health care and disability payouts.

It is important to note that lawsuits can be filed on behalf of deceased loved ones, even if they died many years ago.

Steps to Filing a Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Lawsuit

The following are steps that you can take once you are ready to file a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer lawsuit.

1. Find a Law Firm

The first thing to do when starting a Camp Lejeune lawsuit is to speak with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in Camp Lejeune cases.

2. File Your Bladder Cancer Claim

Filing your Camp Lejeune water contamination claim also involves filing the required evidence and documentation, which your lawyer can help you to organize and submit.

3. Negotiate a Camp Lejeune Settlement

One of the biggest benefits of working with a Camp Lejeune lawyer is that they can act as your communicator and negotiator when it comes to determining your final settlement amount.

What Is the Deadline for Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Cases?

Camp Lejeune victims and their family members have until August 2024 to file their claims or lawsuits.

This may seem like a lot of time, but it’s a great idea to get started right away to avoid any complications. For best results, connect with a Camp Lejeune lawyer who can help you right now.

The Camp Lejeune Justice Act & Bladder Cancer Lawsuits

The Biden Administration recently passed a law called the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022, which offers protections and benefits to veterans affected by Camp Lejeune water.

This act is part of a larger act called the Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT Act).

It is because of these acts that veterans and their family members are now able to file Camp Lejeune claims and lawsuits for bladder cancer and other illnesses, even though the toxic exposure occurred many years ago.

Who Is Eligible for Camp Lejeune Cancer Lawsuits?

People who are eligible for Camp Lejeune bladder cancer lawsuits must have spent at least 30 consecutive days at the base between 1953 and 1987.

If they were a member of the military during their time at Camp Lejeune, they must also not have received a dishonorable discharge upon leaving.

Lastly, people may be eligible if they later developed bladder cancer or any other type of major illness after Camp Lejeune toxic water exposure.

Find out your eligibility to file a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer claim right now.

Evidence in Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Cases

Evidence and documentation will be required from anyone who is seeking financial compensation after developing bladder cancer from Camp Lejeune’s toxic water.

Evidence can include:

  • Employment or military service records
  • Medical records
  • Any other documents proving you served at Camp Lejeune

Medical records submitted must show that the person developed bladder cancer as a direct result of being exposed to the water at Camp Lejeune.

Damages in Camp Lejeune Cancer Claims

Camp Lejeune cases can be incredibly complex, and those who got sick may receive several different types of damages (financial payouts).

Types of Camp Lejeune bladder cancer damages may include:

  • Loss of current or future income
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death

Bladder cancer is more treatable than some other types of cancer, so wrongful death claims are less common with this type of cancer.

Settlement Value of Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Claims

It will likely take time before the first Camp Lejeune cases reach settlements, so it is difficult to predict what specific settlement amounts will be right now.

No matter what the individual Camp Lejeune lawsuit settlement amounts turn out to be, the U.S. government is expected to pay over $21 billion to Camp Lejeune victims overall.

Find Help for a Camp Lejeune Cancer Lawsuit

We can connect you with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in Camp Lejeune cases, and who will be with you every step of the legal process.

Camp Lejeune Bladder Cancer Lawsuit FAQs

Why is the water at Camp Lejeune linked to bladder cancer?

The chemicals that were found in the water at Camp Lejeune are known carcinogens, meaning they can cause cancer.

Bladder cancer is just one of the many types of cancer and major health problems that have been linked to the water at Camp Lejeune.

Who can start a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer lawsuit?

Anyone who was exposed to the Camp Lejeune water supply between 1953 and 1987 and later developed bladder cancer can file a bladder cancer lawsuit.

People can also start Camp Lejeune bladder cancer lawsuits on behalf of loved ones who have already passed away but would have been due compensation.

Is bladder cancer a presumptive illness for Camp Lejeune claims?

Yes. Bladder cancer is one of the health issues linked to Camp Lejeune that is considered a presumptive condition, according to the U.S Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This means affected veterans may qualify for VA disability benefits and health care.

What is the average payout for a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer claim?

There is no average settlement payout yet for a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer claim, as none have reached settlements at this time. Our team will provide updates once the first cases have reached settlements.

Will I lose my VA benefits if I start a Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

No. Starting a Camp Lejeune lawsuit will not cause you to lose your VA health care benefits or disability benefits.

You may, however, receive an additional payout from the federal government if your claim or lawsuit is successful.

What does it take to prove a Camp Lejeune bladder cancer claim?

You’ll need documents like Camp Lejeune housing records, employment records, medical records, and military service records to prove your claim.

Your personal injury lawyer can help you to gather and submit relevant documents and paperwork.

Brian CookeReviewed by:Brian Cooke

U.S. Marine Corps Veteran & Partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy

  • Fact-Checked
  • Editor

Brian Cooke is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy, one of the nation’s largest mass tort firms. He has dedicated over 20 years to fighting for justice on behalf of his clients and their families, including many veterans harmed through no fault of their own.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center exists to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial compensation they deserve. We're ready to help you — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  1. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). “Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.” Retrieved from: Accessed on January 5, 2023.

  2. Environmental Working Group. “EPA Ruling Backs Camp Lejeune Victims.” Retrieved from: Accessed on January 5, 2023.

  3. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. “Camp Lejeune water contamination health issues.” Retrieved from: Accessed on January 5, 2023.