Camp Lejeune Lawyer

Working with a top Camp Lejeune lawyer is more important than ever. The government requires proof of a direct link between an illness and the toxic water in addition to proving at least 30 days on base. Choosing the right Camp Lejeune attorney is key to navigating the claims process and getting the compensation you deserve, especially as the August 2024 deadline approaches.

What Is a Camp Lejeune Lawyer?

A gavel and block in front of the American flag.

A Camp Lejeune lawyer helps families impacted by the contaminated water on base fight for the justice and compensation they deserve.

Camp Lejeune attorneys often work at law firms with hundreds of years of combined litigation experience. As a result, these firms are known for winning major cases against big corporations and securing landmark settlements and verdicts for clients with serious injuries or health issues.

“Do not take a chance on which Camp Lejeune lawyer you hire — the stakes are too high.”

—Chris Carberg, Our Founder and Son of a Camp Lejeune Marine

What sets leading Camp Lejeune water contamination attorneys apart from the rest of the lawyers out there is that they have the resources needed to deploy groundbreaking litigation strategies against the largest companies in the world. Therefore, they may be better prepared to take on the federal government.

This is especially important with Camp Lejeune water contamination lawsuits because this type of litigation has never been attempted on this scale. Until the historic passing of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 (CLJA) took place, they were not possible.

These cases are not claims to get benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). They are complex lawsuits against the government, which a top-quality Camp Lejeune lawyer can prepare and file on your behalf.

Watch our short video about finding a Camp Lejeune attorney.

Finding a Camp Lejeune Lawyer Video Thumbnail

Learn how to find the best Camp Lejeune lawyer to help your family file a claim. Working with a top-notch attorney can make all the difference to the outcome of your case.

Duration: 1 min 16 sec

Are you a military veteran or loved one seeking justice for injuries caused by Camp Lejeune’s toxic water?

Finding a reputable Camp Lejeune lawyer could be the most important decision you make on your journey to justice.

The best Camp Lejeune lawyers work at accomplished law firms with a proven track record of winning large settlements for veterans and their loved ones. A qualified lawyer will handle all aspects of your Camp Lejeune claim so you can focus on your family.

If you lived or worked on base for at least 30 days between 1953 and 1987, you are eligible for legal help from a Camp Lejeune lawyer. This includes service members, veterans, civilian workers, their families, and survivors — even if you are already receiving benefits or were denied in the past.

Sadly, we’re all too familiar with the devastating effects of the water contamination at Camp Lejeune. The Camp Lejeune Claims Center was founded by the surviving family of a United States Marine who tragically lost his life to bladder cancer caused by Camp Lejeune’s toxic water.

Our dedicated Camp Lejeune claims agents are standing by to serve you. Contact us now to find a top lawyer who will fight to get you and your family the compensation you deserve.

Do Camp Lejeune Victims Need a Lawyer?

It’s highly recommended to work with a skilled Camp Lejeune lawyer. Due to recent legal developments and the complexity of proving that health issues are directly linked to the base’s contaminated water, a specialized attorney can provide essential guidance and support.

Skilled Camp Lejeune lawyers can help navigate the claims process, gather necessary evidence to build your case, and negotiate a settlement on your behalf.

Additionally, working with a top Camp Lejeune lawyer can greatly increase your chances of getting maximum compensation.

As things change and important deadlines get closer, having a Camp Lejeune attorney on your side is key to making sure your rights are protected.

I Already Filed My Claim, Do I Need a Camp Lejeune Lawyer?

Even if you believe you’ve already filed a claim related to Camp Lejeune, a lawyer can confirm you have taken all required steps.

It’s crucial to understand there are two distinct types of claims:

  1. Camp Lejeune VA benefits and disability claims
  2. Claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act (CLJA)

If you filed with the VA, this does not mean you filed under the CLJA. The two are completely separate. Seeking compensation under the CLJA requires filing an administrative claim directly with the Department of the Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG).

It’s easy to mistake one filing process for another, particularly with the CLJA. For instance, you might think you’ve filed correctly when you haven’t met the specific CLJA requirements.

A Camp Lejeune attorney can guide you through the filing process. Therefore, you can be certain you submit your claim properly.

Benefits of Working With a Camp Lejeune Attorney

Since many claims under the CLJA will become lawsuits, it’s best to hire an experienced Camp Lejeune lawyer to help you navigate the legal process.

A skilled attorney will work with you to secure the maximum compensation for your Camp Lejeune claim as quickly as possible.

A Camp Lejeune attorney will:

  1. Determine if you can take legal action through a free claim review
  2. Build a strong case by gathering evidence, including medical records and proof that you spent at least 30 days on the base between 1953 and 1987
  3. File your Camp Lejeune claim before the August 2024 deadline
  4. Negotiate a fair settlement with the government (the defendant)
  5. Argue your case in court if a settlement agreement cannot be reached

Remember, these are different from claims for VA benefits. Having a top attorney in your corner can make all the difference in how your Camp Lejeune water claim is resolved.

Don’t take a chance on which Camp Lejeune lawyer you work with. We have partnered with some of the leading lawyers in Camp Lejeune litigation and can connect you with them if you qualify.

Download our FREE Attorney Checklist for help choosing the best Camp Lejeune lawyer for your family.

Is There a Deadline for Hiring a Camp Lejeune Lawyer?

Yes. Since all claims under the CLJA must be filed by August 10, 2024, it’s crucial to hire a Camp Lejeune attorney as soon as possible. Once this deadline passes, a contaminated water lawyer won’t be able to help you take legal action for your injuries.

At this time, anyone who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days from 1953 to 1987 can file a new claim no matter how long ago the exposure took place. This includes loved ones of those who have since passed away.

While the August 2024 deadline may seem like a lot of time, it can pass quickly. So far, unforeseen delays have made the legal process challenging to navigate.

Additionally, there is a significant amount of paperwork and red tape involved. These factors have created a backlog, with flooded court systems and governmental agencies.

The deadline can pass very quickly. Missing this deadline means losing the right to take legal action under the CLJA.

For all of these reasons, it’s important to contact a Camp Lejeune lawyer as soon as possible. They can streamline the process and ensure your claim is filed before any deadlines.

How Much Money Can Camp Lejeune Lawyers Secure in My Case?

While it is still too early to predict exactly how much money each family will get for their contaminated water claim, Camp Lejeune lawyers will fight for the most compensation possible in your case.

Did You Know?

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has projected spending over $21 billion on Camp Lejeune contaminated water claims. Many Camp Lejeune settlements will be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Camp Lejeune lawsuit attorneys can also help qualifying families pursue an Elective Option (EO) payout, which provides compensation to victims quickly.

EO payouts are worth anywhere from $100,000 to $550,000. However, many believe Camp Lejeune lawsuit settlements will be worth more.

Remember, if you already receive VA disability compensation, a successful Camp Lejeune claim under the CLJA will not affect your benefits — it will simply award you more money.

While this money will not reverse what happened or bring loved ones back, it can end the decades-long suffering caused by frustrating delays and denials as families finally get the compensation they deserve.

Working with a qualified Camp Lejeune attorney can ensure the highest payout for you and your loved ones.

Find out if you may be able to work with a top Camp Lejeune lawyer to get the money you deserve — before it’s too late.

Who Can Camp Lejeune Attorneys Help?

Camp Lejeune attorneys can help anyone who lived or worked on the base for at least 30 days between 1953 and 1987. This includes family members of those who have since passed away.

These individuals may benefit from working with a Camp Lejeune attorney:
  • Children born on the base who developed illnesses later in life
  • Family members filing wrongful death claims
  • Individuals harmed decades ago who were denied VA benefits
  • People struggling to find military or medical records on their own
  • Survivors who are uncertain if their loved one was at Camp Lejeune

It doesn’t matter how long ago exposure to the toxic water occurred, whether VA benefits are already being accessed, or if a VA claim was denied in the past. If your family was impacted by the contaminated water, a Camp Lejeune attorney may be able to help.

RELATED: Find Out if Your Family Member Was at Camp Lejeune

How Much Do Camp Lejeune Lawyers Cost?

There are no upfront or out-of-pocket costs to work with a reputable Camp Lejeune lawyer. This is because they work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if your case is successful.

If a skilled Camp Lejeune lawsuit attorney signs you up as a client, they will do all the heavy lifting to build the strongest case and get you the most compensation possible.

Who Are the Best Lawyers for Camp Lejeune Lawsuits?

The best Camp Lejeune lawyers will likely be those with experience helping victims on a mass scale, like through class action lawsuits or multidistrict litigation claims. In these cases, similar lawsuits from people across the country are grouped into a single legal matter.

Since Camp Lejeune legal options vary, top Camp Lejeune attorneys should also have experience handling complex cases, be able to gather the necessary evidence to build strong cases, and have stellar litigating skills because of their extensive experience arguing cases against large and powerful corporations.

The best Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyers:
  • Can help victims in all 50 states
  • Have the resources and dedication to take on the federal government
  • Have decades of experience
  • Operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning no upfront or hourly fees
  • Work at nationally recognized litigation firms that have won billions of dollars for clients

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center works with the country’s top Camp Lejeune lawyers. We take great pride in knowing that the lawyers we partner with are nationally recognized, have outstanding reputations, and are committed to serving U.S. military veterans and their loved ones.

Do not delay finding a reputable Camp Lejeune lawsuit lawyer to handle your claim. Call (866) 473-4764 to start the process now.

Which Camp Lejeune Lawyer Should I Hire?

Because the PACT Act has opened the floodgates for over a million victims to finally take action, you will notice an abundance of lawyers for Camp Lejeune water contamination offering to help.

There are numerous personal injury lawyers out there. Therefore, it’s important to make sure you find the right one for your case.

Some questions to consider before you hire a Camp Lejeune lawyer
  1. What is their prior experience and success rate?
  2. How much money have they recovered for their clients?
  3. Do they have ample staff, including paralegals, legal assistants, and access to expert witnesses?
  4. Do you feel comfortable talking to the lawyer and their staff?
  5. Do they have the resources to handle cases from across the nation?
  6. What fees will they charge?
  7. Do they seem to understand what veterans and their survivors have been put through?

You may also wish to ask what the breakdown of their practice is and the types of cases they handle.

For example, a lawyer who typically handles divorce cases may not have the knowledge and experience necessary to take on a Camp Lejeune claim.

Finding the right Camp Lejeune lawyer to assist you is critically important. The difference is in experience, access to resources, and a commitment to securing justice for those harmed.

What Does a Camp Lejeune Attorney Do?

Camp Lejeune lawyers work to prove contaminated water exposure and link it to health issues. Additionally, they guide victims through the claims process and fight for compensation on behalf of their clients.

Learn more about what Camp Lejeune lawyers do below.

Confirms Exposure

Close-up view of a hand in a latex glove holding a water sample bottle.

A skilled Camp Lejeune lawyer can help determine whether individuals were on base while the water was contaminated.

Camp Lejeune water contamination was caused by a private dry cleaning business, an ongoing fuel leak, and routine base operations.

The federal government’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) discovered that two of Camp Lejeune’s water treatment plants — Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point — were contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This led to toxic water being supplied to the base.

VOCs found in Camp Lejeune water included:

  • Benzene
  • Dichloroethylene (DCE)
  • Tetrachloroethylene — also known as perchloroethylene (PCE)
  • Trichloroethylene (TCE)
  • Vinyl chloride
  • Other contaminants

Toxic chemicals were released into Camp Lejeune’s water supply from 1953 to 1987. Unfortunately, this may have put over a million people at risk of health conditions.

Establishes Link Between Health Issues and Toxic Water

A Camp Lejeune attorney can help families prove that health issues are directly linked to the base’s toxic water. At the present time, this is a required step in determining eligibility for compensation.

Since so many people were exposed to contaminated drinking water, the health issues linked with Camp Lejeune’s water are extensive.

This is especially true because men, women, and children of all ages were exposed, making medical conditions vary greatly.

Camp Lejeune health issues include:
  • Birth defects: Low birth weight, neural tube defects, oral cleft defects, and other birth defects have been linked with the toxic water. Fetal deaths have also been reported.
  • Cancers: Multiple types of cancer are linked to the toxic water. This includes bladder, esophageal, kidney, liver, pancreatic, and prostate cancers, as well as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • Reproductive problems: Female infertility and miscarriages have been reported in women who were pregnant or trying to get pregnant while in base housing.
  • Other health conditions: Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease, bone-marrow-related health problems, heart disease, and more have been linked to Camp Lejeune drinking water.

Finally, Camp Lejeune lawsuits are on the table for the first time in history, thanks to the tireless efforts of victims, survivors, and advocates.

Find a Camp Lejeune Lawyer

Remember that choosing a Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer is one of the most important decisions with your claim.

The nation’s most experienced trial lawyers are recognized for their successes in high-profile cases against large corporations. They’ll use this experience to get justice and compensation for those harmed by Camp Lejeune’s contaminated water.

Which Camp Lejeune attorney you choose could mean the difference between failure and success. It can also impact the amount of money your family may receive.

As of July 2024, our legal partners have already helped over 30,000 families with their Camp Lejeune claims. Find out if we can help you, too.

Our claims advocates are standing by to get you connected with a top Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer if you qualify.

Camp Lejeune Lawyer FAQs

Do I need a lawyer for Camp Lejeune water contamination?

Hiring a Camp Lejeune lawyer can make the legal process much easier for you and your family. Your claim will be filed in time, and your lawyer will work to get you the most money possible.

While you are not required to hire a Camp Lejeune lawyer, filing a toxic exposure claim without one will be challenging.

These are lawsuits against the federal government, and Camp Lejeune water victims will likely have to navigate a complex legal system.

Can I file a Camp Lejeune claim without a lawyer?

While you can file a Camp Lejeune on your own, it may be in your best interest to work with a contaminated water lawyer to navigate the legal complexities.

The first step to filing a Camp Lejeune water claim is to submit an administrative claim to the Office of the Judge Advocate General (JAG) of the Navy’s Tort Claims Unit (TCU).

The information you provide to JAG will determine the outcome of your claim, and there’s likely to be a fair amount of legally binding paperwork involved.

Therefore, having a skilled lawyer on your side is critical. They’ll help you gather the correct information to file a claim before time runs out and help you understand the legal documents.

Who can sue Camp Lejeune?

Veterans, active duty service members, civilian workers, family members, and survivors who spent at least 30 days at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina between 1953 and 1987 may be able to file a lawsuit for their injuries.

This may include children born to mothers on base who were pregnant during this time frame.

What law firm is handling the Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

Many law firms across the country are handling Camp Lejeune lawsuits. However, it is essential to understand that they are not all the same.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center works with some of the best Camp Lejeune lawyers at top law firms across the country, with extensive trial experience and skill in complex litigation.

While it may be tempting to hire a Camp Lejeune water lawyer near you or even one that advertises the most on TV, that may not be in your best interest. They may not have the experience needed to handle your case properly.

What percentage do lawyers take from Camp Lejeune lawsuit?

The best Camp Lejeune attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. In this fee arrangement, lawyers only get paid if they secure money for you.

You won’t pay anything upfront to work with these attorneys. Further, you won’t have to pay if they can’t get compensation for you.

It’s important to remember that there are scams and bad actors who only want to take your money. Make sure to discuss Camp Lejeune attorney fees before you agree to work with anyone.

How do I find the best lawyers for Camp Lejeune lawsuit near me?

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center works with leading Camp Lejeune attorneys who can help victims in all 50 states. Our legal partners have already helped over 30,000 families with their Camp Lejeune claims.

Brian CookeReviewed by:Brian Cooke

U.S. Marine Corps Veteran & Partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy

  • Fact-Checked
  • Editor

Brian Cooke is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and partner at Simmons Hanly Conroy, one of the nation’s largest mass tort firms. He has dedicated over 20 years to fighting for justice on behalf of his clients and their families, including many veterans harmed through no fault of their own.

The Camp Lejeune Claims Center exists to help military veterans harmed by the contaminated water at Camp Lejeune to get the financial compensation they deserve. We're ready to help you — at no out-of-pocket cost to you or your family.

  1. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). (2017, January). Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
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  4. Basu, K. (2022, December 29). Camp Lejeune legal fees under fire as Veterans’ claims spike. Bloomberg Law. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
  5. Congressional Budget Office. (2022, February 28). Estimated Budgetary Effects of Rules Committee Print 117-33 for H.R. 3967, Honoring our PACT Act of 2021, as posted on the Website of the House Committee on Rules on February 18, 2022. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
  6. Cornell Law School. (2020, June). Multidistrict litigation. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
  7. Cornell Law School. (n.d.). Statute of limitations. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
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  9. US Department of Veterans Affairs. (2023, September 7). Camp Lejeune water contamination health issues. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from
  10. US Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. (n.d.). Filing claims under the Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022. Retrieved March 6, 2024, from